toothache treatment

treat toothache: toothache treatment

Almost everyone has pain in their teeth and gums at some point in their life. This is known as toothache. Toothache is often characterized as a persistent throbbing pain, but in some cases it may also be episodic, ie it may come and go. The pain may occur with a vengeance at night, or when eating or drinking something hot or cold! Toothache is not always felt in the teeth, sometimes the pain can spread to the face and jaw.

Tooth decay is one of the most common causes of pain. However, toothache can also be due to these reasons

  • a broken tooth
  • loose or broken stuffing
  • Gum wear: The more sensitive parts of the tooth that are not protected by enamel are exposed!
  • tooth or jaw infection
  • wisdom teeth growing from gums
  • wearing braces
  • clenching or grinding your teeth
  • Sinus congestion: this sounds like a toothache, sinus pain

Why does tooth decay cause toothache?

Teeth are made up of 3 layers – the outer layer is an enamel, followed by a soft layer below, and then a soft center called ‘pulp’! Contains nerves and blood vessels. When the caries complex reaches the pulp through the outer layers, it comes into contact with the exposed nerves, causing pain. The pulp may also become inflamed or infected, and you may need to undergo a root canal procedure to remove it. It is important to see a dentist if you have a toothache for more than two days. The longer you take to see the dentist, the more the infection will spread inside the teeth and gums.

By taking good care of your teeth, you can reduce toothache!

Brush your teeth regularly. Do this twice a day with a medium or soft brush. Brush the gums and tongue along with the teeth!

Choose toothpaste fortified with fluoride. This helps if you have sensitive teeth

Clean between teeth with dental floss or an interdental brush to remove trapped food particles and plaque

Use mouthwash containing fluoride. However, do not use it after brushing your teeth.

  • Avoid consuming sweet foods and beverages
  • don’t smoke
  • chew sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva production
  • Visit your dentist every 6 months for a check up

What should I do to get relief from toothache?

The dentist is the most qualified person to diagnose your toothache. It is especially important to see a dentist if you are in severe pain, rather than hoping that the pain will go away on its own. If you have a toothache with fever, or if you feel unwell, or if the toothache is caused by an injury, you should consult a dentist as soon as possible.

Available pain relievers may also ease the pain until you see your dentist.

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