Skin Cancer On Face

10 Signs Of Skin Cancer That You Shouldn’t Ignore

The abnormal growth of cells in the epidermis layer of the skin can be the cause of skin cancer. This happens when you spend a lot of time in the sun. However, in some cases, skin cancer can also occur on areas of your skin that are not exposed to sunlight.

Skin cancer mainly develops on the areas exposed to sunlight. This includes the head, face, lips, ears, neck, chest and hands. Women can also have it in the feet. It can also occur on areas that are rarely exposed to sunlight. It can also happen on your palms, fingernails, under your toes, and under your genital area.

Skin cancer can happen to people of any skin tone. This includes dark-skinned people as well. Melanoma, a type of skin cancer, occurs in people with darker skin.

  • These symptoms are seen when there is skin cancer
  • Skin cancer can occur in any mole of the body
  • the size of the mole gets bigger
  • Itching may occur if there is a wound instead of a mole
  • This does not happen in every type of mole.
  • Usually, when there is skin cancer, pink and brown spots start appearing on the skin.
  • In addition, a pearly raised wound may also appear.
  • May have a rough or red patch on the body, which is scaly or bloody
  • A lump may appear on the lower parts of the skin
  • Open sores may appear on the skin, which sometimes disappear and sometimes reappear
  • Cancer can also appear in the form of a wart

What are the types of skin cancer?

If you avoid exposure to the strong rays of the sun, then the symptoms of skin cancer can be reduced. Changes in the skin can be one of the early signs of cancer. The sooner skin cancer is detected, the sooner it can be treated. There are three types of skin cancer.

  • basal cell carcinoma
  • squamous cell carcinoma
  • melanoma
  • Signs and symptoms of basal cell carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma usually occurs in the parts of your body that are exposed to the sun’s rays. such as on your neck or face. Basal cell carcinoma can appear on the skin in these forms:

  • embossed like a pearl or a pea
  • brown scar
  • bleeding skin
  • itchy rash
  • Signs and symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma also occurs in areas where the sun’s rays keep falling. such as your face, ears and hands. People with darker skin are more likely to get this cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma can appear on the skin in the following forms:

  • red lump
  • sore and scaly
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  • Signs and symptoms of melanoma

Melanoma skin cancer occurs in the skin or any mole of your body. Melanoma mostly appears on the face. In women, this type of cancer develops on the lower part of the legs. In both men and women, melanoma can also occur on areas that have not been exposed to the sun. Melanoma can affect people of any skin tone. This skin cancer occurs in people with dark skin on the palms, soles, under the nails or toes. Signs of melanoma include:

  • a large brown lesion with dark spots
  • Feeling of change in the color, size of the body mole.
  • Blood can also ooze from the mole.
  • A small lesion that appears red, pink, white, blue, or black
  • A painful sore that is itchy.
  • deep sores on your palms, soles, or toes

Skin cancer test

  • First, the doctor will examine the skin and ask about your medical history.
  • They will usually ask when this mark first appeared. Has it ever been painful or itchy? Does it bleed or not?
  • The doctor may ask about the patient’s family medical history. Along with this, they will also ask whether there has ever been any problem due to going out in the sun.
  • In case of mole cancer, they can also examine other moles of the body.
  • The doctor may refer the patient to a dermatologist or skin doctor for examination.
  • The skin can be examined with a handheld machine dermatoscope.
  • A small sample of skin may be taken to check for signs of cancer.

What factors can increase the risk of skin cancer?

Skin color: People of any complexion can get skin cancer. If your skin is more fair, then there is less damage from UV rays ie rays coming from the sun. Apart from this, if you have red hair and light colored eyes, then you may have a problem of sunburn. Dark-skinned people are more likely to get skin cancer.

Sunburn: A child or adult who has got a sunburn can turn into cancer. Adults are at a higher risk of getting sunburned.

Exposure to too much sun: Anyone who spends a lot of time in sunlight can be prone to skin cancer. Especially if sunscreen is not applied or if the body is not covered with clothes, then its risk increases. Tanning caused by exposure to the sun also puts you at risk.

Warm climates: People who live in hot climates are exposed to more sunlight. Such people are more likely to get cancer.

Moles on the body: People who have more moles on their body are called dysplastic nevi, they have an increased risk of skin cancer. These moles are unusual and are larger than the common mole. Such people are more likely to get cancer than others.

Take expert advice

If you also feel this type of bulge on the skin or if abnormal thing is developing anywhere in the body, then it is important that you should take expert opinion. You can get rid of the problem by taking expert opinion. The disease of skin cancer is such that if you reach for treatment in the early stage, then your problem can be solved, but if you are careless in the treatment then it can harm you. Overall, if such symptoms appear in the body, expert advice should be taken.

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